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Find VC Funding With the Michigan Entrepreneurial & Investment Landscape Map

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

Michigan venture capital, Michigan VCs, Michigan startup funding, Michigan angel investors, Michigan university startup funding, Michigan economic development, Michigan Entrepreneurial Investment Landscape Map

It's an improving but still perennial issue for the "flyover states": finding funding for your business. Different types of tech companies require different types of funding, but it never hurts to know who is out there. With this in mind, the Michigan Venture Capital Association has created the Michigan Entrepreneurial & Investment Landscape Map, which includes not only local and regional VCs and angels but also economic development corporations, university partners, funds of funds, and more.

The Michigan Venture Capital Association was started to create a resource for investment data in Michigan, to advocate for policies that promote investment in Michigan longterm, and to connect the entrepreneurial community. The MVCA's stated vision is to "increase the amount of capital and talent available to venture and angel investors so we can fund Michigan’s most innovative entrepreneurs and work closely with them to transform breakthrough ideas into new companies and industries that drive Michigan job creation and economic growth."

Michigan venture capital, Michigan VCs, Michigan startup funding, Michigan angel investors, Michigan university startup funding, Michigan economic development, Michigan Entrepreneurial Investment Landscape Map

We heard recently from a VC fund in Detroit creating a similar matching website for local funding and have appreciated watching venture capital finally start moving into the region the last few years. Forbes contributor and expert on Chicago's entrepreneurial scene Pete Wilkins just last week pronounced Michigan to be a potential startup powerhouse in the coming years.

If you have heard of another resource for entrepreneurs connecting with funding, or are connected with a fund that would like to speak with Cronicle about their recent investments in the area, please contact the editor. We are running an upcoming series on VCs and funding available to Michigan entrepreneurs from local funds and in other tech towns, to give startup founders a better sense of the landscape that can often go under the radar. We hope you're having a wonderful summer and will be back with some coverage of Ann Arbor life sciences startups in the coming weeks as summer draws to a close.

michigan angel investors, michigan economic development, michigan entrepreneurial investment landscape map, michigan startup funding, michigan university startup funding, michigan vcs, michigan venture capital

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