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Great Lakes Tech: Call For Interviews

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

TechTalk 2019

Thank you to everyone who has interviewed with Cronicle Press Tech News over the last 9 months since our launch out of Ann Arbor. We're now putting together a series on growing tech industries around the broader Great Lakes region. If you have a growing tech company, incubator you're getting started, or new fund to announce, we want to hear from you, and we want to hear the story of your community.

The Midwest tech industry is undergoing quick changes even as it still struggles to properly fund new ventures, and we hear all the time from readers that they're learning a lot from your experience navigating the changing tech landscape of the Midwest and coastal partnerships. We have truly enjoyed hearing from all of you and learning from your perspectives on the growing tech industries of Michigan.

Detroit skyline

Now, we are creating a new map of the stories of shifting tech and business culture around the Great Lakes from Chicago to Buffalo. If you're in Chicago, Toledo, or Kalamazoo, we want to hear from you. Traverse City, Windsor, and the college towns around the eastern Great Lakes. Or a startup from northern Michigan, where we've only just begun covering tech companies operating outside the usual tech towns. Something new is happening in the economies and business culture of the Midwest, and we want your perspectives on what's happening in your industries and your city.

Cronicle Press, tech news, Ann Arbor news, technology

Particularly we are interested in:

  • perspectives from inside new software companies
  • gaming companies and tech media readers would love
  • unusual uses of tech being repurposed in new ways
  • new AI/machine learning tech
  • stories of founders who bootstrapped in novel ways
  • aerospace startups
  • agriculture tech
  • coastal partnerships and coastal-Midwest funds
  • new cybersecurity companies and industry trends
  • people growing tech communities in smaller towns
  • technology trends in advanced manufacturing and autonomous/mobility tech
  • new opportunities for founders traditionally shut out of funding or startup culture

To contact the editor for an interview or to introduce us to someone you know doing work in emerging tech industries in the Great Lakes Midwest region, please email laura [at] cronicle.press with the subject line Call For Interviews.

buffalo tech news, call for interviews, chicago tech news, great lakes tech news, great lakes tech trends, midwest tech news, northern michigan tech news, toledo tech news, windsor tech news

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