Coronavirus Update for Ann Arbor's Cronicle Press Tech News Operations

By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.
Coronavirus, COVID-19, Michigan coronavirus numbers, Michigan virus confirmed, CDC Michigan
We hope that this week finds you healthy and safe. We in Ann Arbor are now in the beginnings of a coronavirus outbreak with 3 confirmed cases in Washtenaw County and 16 in Michigan as of March 13, 2020--likely many more to come and hundreds referred for monitoring and assessment. A recent list of possible exposure locations in southeast Michigan may be useful to you as you assess your possible exposure to the virus.
All Michigan schools have closed as of this afternoon at least until April 6, Ohio schools until at least April 3, public universities and private colleges have sent students home to work remotely or cancelled classes, and all large gatherings have been banned by the City of Ann Arbor with social distancing required for smaller gatherings that continue. Many employers are sending employees home to work remotely when possible. Communities close to outbreaks or trying to get ahead of them are now following suit, and this situation will evolve rapidly.
We will be continuing to interview and publish remotely in the coming weeks and will bring you tech-specific articles on subject matter that is as appropriate as possible to this concerning time. It's possible that the effects the novel coronavirus outbreak will have on the U.S. may interrupt our ability to interview some tech professionals or our ability to publish if complications arise. For now, we will continue to publish on our usual schedule and hope that all of you are as healthy and safe as possible.
If you would like to keep up with a current list of Michigan-specific recommendations and updates related to the coronavirus outbreak, please visit Michigan's Coronavirus page for the latest news. The CDC's national website on current outbreak information is located here.
Be well.
ann arbor coronavirus response, coronavirus michigan, covid 19 michigan, michigan coronavirus confirmed cases cdc, michigan coronavirus outbreak, michigan schools closed, michigan universities closed