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Septentrio Releases New Open Source Hardware for IoT & Autonomous Applications

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

Septentrio, mowi, IoT hardware, autonomous hardware, Midwest tech news

Septentrio releases open-source wireless GPS/GNSS hardware for IoT and autonomous applications

Septentrio, a leader in high-precision GNSS positioning solutions, announced today an addition to the open-source resources for their GPS/GNSS module receivers: mowi. This wireless device combines the Septentrio mosaic-X5 or mosaic-H module receiver with a dual-mode Bluetooth and integrated Wi-Fi from the well-known ESP32- WRover programmable module by Espressif Systems

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The mowi project facilitates accurate and reliable GNSS positioning for robotic and autonomous devices, on a hardware level. Numerous engineers today use the ESP32 and the multiple libraries available for Internet-of-Things (IoT) prototyping. The mowi board is an easy way for integrators to get started with Septentrio’s mosaic-X5 or mosaic-H heading module receivers. The mowi board can be used on its own or plugged into a mobile computer such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino to deliver high-accuracy positioning with high update rates, ideal for machine navigation, monitoring or control. The internet connection via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth enables numerous industrial IoT applications, simplifying the connectivity to mobile data for the delivery of GNSS corrections needed for cm-level RTK positioning.

“We are excited about the mowi project being part of the GitHub and prototyping community. The project is available as open-source, thus empowering the community to easily fit autonomous or robotic systems with communication and highly accurate and reliable GNSS positioning technology. Mowi empowers the native ethernet features of the mosaic module. The perfect tool for fast prototyping and developing proof-of-concept projects in a simple and connected way,” said Gustavo Lopez, Septentrio's Market Access Manager.

The mowi open-source project is available to the community on the Septentrio GitHub repository. For more information on Septentrio's GNSS receivers, visit septentrio.com.

* Global Navigation Satellite System including the American GPS, European Galileo, Russian GLONASS, Chinese BeiDou, Japan’s QZSS and India’s NavIC. These satellite constellations broadcast positioning information to receivers which use it to calculate their absolute position.

autonomous hardware, iot, michigan business news, michigan tech news, midwest tech new, mowi, septentrio

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