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Ann Arbor's a2tech360 Tech Week Adds New Events for 2021

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

A2tech360 2021

Ann Arbor's growing tech week, a2tech360, was delayed this year until October, but has continued to grow to a multi-event extravaganza of local tech expertise and fun. This year's a2tech360 is back with additional events.

This year's a2tech360 is virtual and in person, and features the following new events in addition to the Tech Trek exploration of local tech companies, Tech Talk, 2031: What The Future Holds, Women in Tech, Mobility Row, Tech on the Edge, the Applied AI conference, and other traditional events:

A2tech360 2021

A2 AR Trek

A2 Zero Green Fair

Heroic Futures

On Love & Data

Mobility Movers

Ann Arbor Film Festival's A Machine To Live In

Tech Twilight with the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum

To plan your attendance, check out the main a2tech360 2021 page to view all events and register. Some events have limited space.

a2tech360 2021, ann arbor spark events, ann arbor tech week 2021, new ann arbor tech events, tech trek 2021

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