Be Interviewed on Cronicle
Be Interviewed on Cronicle
Pitch Us Your Michigan Business, Culture, Literature, and Remote Business/Investing Stories
Want to share your latest Michigan business news, book, or story about starting a remote or new business around the Great Lakes? We want to hear your story! Please email the editor at laura [at] with your Company Name, Subject Line Requested Interview, and tell us in a few paragraphs about your company, what you're working on, and any links and photos or pdf copies of ARCs for books. Please include relevant photos or links to what you want to collab/promote, such as recent or upcoming events/classes, design and product photos, company logo, author/CEO headshot, and website link or contact info) you would like to share. We may contact you to be featured on the site. Please let us know if you have a deadline so we can accommodate if we are able.