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Ann Arbor Tech Professionals: Call for Interviews

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

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Cronicle Press launched just over a month ago, and already has 1,000 users, thanks in large part to you, the professionals of Ann Arbor tech, and your enormously generous networks. We intended to start small with a prototype of about a dozen interviews we could show potential interview subjects and eventually sponsors to help get the word out about the growth in Ann Arbor tech, but already the interest has grown. So, we'd better get started.

Ann Arbor has a deeply underserved tech space in media on a local and national level, and we aim to change that. Don't get down on the local media. It's never been a harder time to run a media business or to cover all the amazing things going on in Ann Arbor tech and business. It's also never been a more important time of growth, in software and also in autonomous vehicle tech, biomedical devices, sustainable energy, and more. All of that is going on in Ann Arbor, right in our back yard, and we want to help foster deep media coverage and community building, doing more of what you already do so well: collaborate for the benefit of the Ann Arbor region and the tech industry.

UX Ignite MI, UX Ignite 2019, Cirq Bar, user experience

Cronicle covered UX Ignite MI 2019 at the Cirq Bar in Ann Arbor, A2 New Tech pitches and more, but has barely scratched the surface of all the tech events going on each month.

Who We Are: Co-Founder Archie Cowan is on the senior technology team at Ithaka/JSTOR. He has worked in Ann Arbor tech for over a decade, alongside narrative journalist and editor Laura K. Cowan, who brings the same depth of experience in green tech and automotive media. Laura K. Cowan was the Transportation and Road Test Editor for popular green design blog Inhabitat, and former copy chief for automotive mag Winding Road under David E. Davis, Jr..

Call For Interviews/Pitches

Email Cronicle your latest news, projects, side hustle startup, or an idea you have for an article on conversations you'd love to have with other Ann Arbor tech pros. Whether you're an engineer, startup founder, design professional, or researcher, we want your perspectives, your insight into the expansion of Ann Arbor tech and related industries regionally. Thanks for checking out Cronicle Press Tech News. We are Ann Arbor-native tech and media people who want to hear your story and share the people of Ann Arbor tech with the world.

Best wishes,

Laura K. Cowan

Co-Founder & Executive Editor

laura [at] cronicle.press

Cronicle Press, tech news, Ann Arbor tech

ann arbor business news, ann arbor tech, new businesses ann arbor, tech media, technology media, technology news

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