Tech To Watch: The IT in the D Podcast

By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech, business, and wellness journalist and fantasy author whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives and helping individuals find a sense of connection with the natural world.
The IT in the D podcast team.
Stop what you're doing and check out this huge list of Detroit-made podcasts. Included in that list: IT in the D, a podcast by "The Geek" Dave Phillips and "The Sales Guy" Bob Waltenspiel, is all about tech in the Motor City. (Also check out Motor City Geek, and even classes to create your own podcast based in Detroit and Royal Oak.)
We caught up with IT in the D co-founder Bob Waltenspiel to ask about how IT in the D got to be a popular local podcast about and for Detroit tech. We'll be bringing you other podcasts this fall as part of our expansion into Michigan and Midwest tech media and ecosystems beyond Ann Arbor, starting with Detroit. Stay tuned!
Cronicle: How did IT in the D get started?
Waltenspiel: IT in the D was officially founded in 2001, but didn't get serious until 2007. It started as a Meetup group for IT professionals. We ran monthly events, jobs fairs that we called "Pink Slip Parties," wrote numerous blog series, and did public speaking on networking. The podcast came last after being invited to another show to talk about the group.
Cronicle: Tell our readers what you've learned about podcasting. What niche is this filling?
Waltenspiel: We learned almost immediately that podcasting has no rules. Anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something. Obviously you have to sound good, but you have everything from scripted shows to NPR style shows to Joe Rogan style shows... there really is something for everyone.
Cronicle: Favorite or most challenging interview?
Waltenspiel: That would be like singling out which child we loved best. We've honestly had so much fun over the past six years, it would be literally impossible to pick one.
Cronicle: What has changed in Detroit or Michigan tech in the last few years, from what you've seen?
Waltenspiel: I could talk about this for hours, but really, the one thing that has drastically changed is the talent gap. Where we would have Pink Slip parties with 1000+ attendees looking for work in the early 2010s, it is really hard to get recruiters and job seekers to attend events today. Companies are now implementing training programs to fill gaps where they simply cannot hire.
IT in the D brings in interviewees in Detroit tech and, well, brewing companies? Not sure, but there always seems to be beer around. Looks like a good time. Thanks, for talking with us, Bob! You can watch IT in the D on Youtube at the IT in the D Show channel, and check out the ways to listen below.
The IT in the D podcast broadcasts live Monday nights 9-11 pm. [Show archives of IT in the D](http://you can hit the Show Archives page at are available online as well.
Check out [related podcasts coming out of Detroit in tech and other industries here](http://http // If you have a favorite local or Midwest tech or maker podcast, share it in the comments or email the editor so we can feature them on Cronicle.
bob waltenspiel, dave phillips, detroit podcast, detroit tech, detroit tech news, it in the d, tech podcast