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Join a Social Support Network Exclusively for Michigan Startups

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

Larry Freed, Givitas, Give and Take, Michigan startup social network, Michigan startup resources, small business resources, startup network Michigan

Givitas, a company we've highlighted previously on Cronicle for supporting reciprocity in professional networks through dedicated social media hubs, has recently launched a network that is designed exclusively for Michigan startups to give and receive requests for help and information. Givitas is a social network by Give & Take that is designed into hubs for specific work groups within companies or industries.

Larry Freed, Givitas, Give and Take, Michigan startup social network, Michigan startup resources, small business resources, startup network Michigan

The idea is that people are more likely to have questions answered if they can ask them of colleagues quickly and privately within a trusted network online. Members can also accrue a sort of reputation points for being the most helpful members. We have joined a few Givitas networks over the past few years, and found that it offered a unique opportunity to network with and support new people we wouldn't otherwise have met.

At a time when small business owners are looking for resources to thrive through COVID-19 and asking for or offering all kinds of unprecedented help, we thought you might like to know of this new group that is just getting started this past month to support Michigan startups.

Givitas, Give and Take, Adam Grant, Larry Freed

The Givitas Michigan Startup Network group can be found here. The landing page is open to sign up by invitation of having this link. You must be part of a Michigan startup or affiliated with one to join. We're hoping that in these quickly changing times for startups in the Great Lakes region, this will be another resource for you to find help or offer assistance to founders and small business owners building their networks.

coronavirus small business resources, covid 19 small business support, givitas, michigan startup network, michigan startups, social media for startups, startup networking

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