Global Online Tech Conferences June 2020

By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech, business, and wellness journalist and fantasy author whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives and helping individuals find a sense of connection with the natural world.
In the last month, many tech conferences and tech events have pulled the plug on in-person gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even major conferences like Detroit's NAIAS and Austin's SXSW have been cancelled for 2020. But while many live events have to wait until next year or beyond, others are going online to open up content to a global audience. Here is a list of tech conferences around the world you can access from anywhere.
Online Global Tech Conferences May 2020
May 12-15 2020 OCP Global Summit, Online (formerly Santa Clara, Calif.)
May 16 Python fwdays T: @fwdays (Python)
May 17-20 UIKonf T: @uikonf (iOS)
May 18-19 UIKonf T: @uikonf (UX)
May 19-21 Microsoft Build - Digital (formerly Seattle, Wash.) T: @msdev (DotNet)
May 19-20 CloudBees Connect T: @CloudBees (DevOps)
May 20-21 The eCommerce Design Summit T: @ecomDS (UX)
May 21 Applied AI Summit, Online (formerly Austin, Tex.)
May 21 AI for CPG Summit, Online (formerly Austin, Tex.)
May 21-22 Startup Village (networking)
May 22 Container Camp T: @containercamp (DevOps)
May 22 HalfStack Online T: @halfstackconf (Javascript)
May 23-24 25 Hours of Java T: @nipafx (Java)
May 25-27 JAX Online Edition T: @jaxcon (Java)
May 26-29 ForwardJS in the Interweb T: @forwardjs (Java)
May 26-27 Cloud DeveloperDays T: @DeveloperDaysPL (Cloud)
May 26-27 The Online PHP Conference (PHP)
May 27 Coworking Symposium (Networking)
May 27-28 JAMstack Conf Virtual T: @jamstackconf (Java)
May 29 Docker Con Live T: @DockerCon (DevOps)
Online Global Tech Conferences June 2020
June 2 ChefConf Seattle + ChefConf London Online T: @chef (DevOps)
June 2 JNation T: @JNationConf (Java)
June 3-10 Hasura Con T: @hasurahq (GraphQL)
June 4-5 Web Directions Code
June 4-5 SEACON software engineering + architecture conference T: @seacon_de
June 5-6 DevOps Fest T: @devopsfest (DevOps)
June 8-12 NDC Oslo T: @NDC_Conferences (DevOps)
June 9 (formerly June 8-11) LiveWorx Digital Transformation Event, Online (formerly Boston)
June 9-10 T: @MongoDB (Data)
June 9-10 SmashingConf Live T: @smashingconf (UX)
June 9-10 UX Writer Conference (UX)
June 12 Developer First T: @developer_first (Leadership)
June 15-16 DevSecCon24 T: @devseccon (Security)
June 16-17 DeveloperWeek Global T: @developerweek (DevOps)
June 17-18 stackconf (formerly OSDC) (DevOps)
June 18-19 JSNation T: @amsterdamjs (Java)
June 19 AFUP Day T: @afup (PHP)
June 22-24 Postgres Vision T: @PostgresVision (Data)
June 22-25 Collision Conf, Online (formerly Toronto) T: @joyofcoding
June 22-24 Women in Technology Summit T: @witi (Networking)
June 22-24 HashiConf Digital T: @HashiConf (DevOps)
June 22-26 Spark+AI Summit 2020, Online (formerly San Francisco, Calif.)
June 22-26 HolyJS Piter T: @HolyJSconf (Java)
June 23-24 OpenJS World T: @openjsf (Java)
June 24 AFUP Day T: @afup (PHP)
June 24 JFrog Swamp UP (North America) T: @jfrog (DevOps)
June 25-26 Dutch PHP Conference T: @dpcon (PHP)
June 26 Prisma Day T: @prisma (Java)
June 26 AFUP Day T: @afup (PHP)
June 27-28 Git Commit Show - Online T: @invide_labs
may tech conferences 2020, online tech conferences, tech events online may 2020