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Online Tech Conferences & Events July 2020

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

Black Is Tech, tech conferences, tech conference, Black Is Tech Virtual

More tech conferences and tech networking events have shifted online next month, making conferences from Silicon Valley to the Seine more accessible across the globe. Many events have also reduced prices or are offering conference content for free, and many job fairs are now virtual. Here are some highlights of online and global tech conferences going on in July 2020, still including some local events to our Midwest ecosystem as well. If you have an event to add to the calender, please email the editor.

July 2020 Virtual & Global Tech Conferences & Events

Detroit Career Fair 2020, Detroit jobs, tech jobs Detroit

Startup Detroit Pitch Night, Bamboo Detroit

ForwardJS San Francisco, online tech conferences July 2020, Silicon Valley tech events

Lunch with Grand Circus, Grand Circus Detroit, Detroit tech jobs

a2newtech, bamboo detroit startup pitch night, black in tech, black is tech, detroit career fair, detroit tech jobs, forwardjs, global tech conferences, grand circus detroit, ibm call for code, july 2020 tech conferences, july 2020 tech networking, mind the product, opml, san francisco tech conferences

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