In-Person Michigan Tech Events June/July 2021

By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech, business, and wellness journalist and fantasy author whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives and helping individuals find a sense of connection with the natural world.
Cahoots is back to hosting some in-person events, including Code & Coffee meetup.
Michigan tech organizations and enthusiast groups are venturing back to in-person tech events this month. Here are a few highlights of groups that you might consider joining if you're looking for an in-person tech event to attend in late June or in July 2021.
Code & Coffee @ Cahoots
Code & Coffee is going back to in-person for late June, and they're at Cahoots in downtown Ann Arbor.
June 26: 10:00 AM TECH[INCLUSIVE] Code & Coffee Cahoots
A2 Biosocial
Ann Arbor's biotech community is back in person meeting at a bar for the next A2 Biosocial.
July 13: 4:30 PM A2 Biosocial
Northern Michigan Women in Tech
20Fathoms is hosting the Women in Tech meetup for women in northern Michigan in the tech industry at a brewery this month in Traverse City.
July 15: 6:00 PM Women in Tech Traverse City Filling Station Brewery Meetup w/ 20Fathoms
There aren't too many other tech events scheduled locally for July, which tends to be a quiet month, beyond the usual online meetings of A2NewTech July 20, Thinkful webinars on UI/UX and product management, and similar. We hope you have a safe and peaceful summer!
TC NewTech
TC NewTech has been virtual since the pandemic, but will be shifting back to in-person events in July.
July 6: 6:00 PM TC NewTech. Register at Eventbrite to attend.
ann arbor tech events, michigan tech events july 2021, midwest tech events