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Security Startup Censys Beats Tech Industry Benchmarks for Women's Equality

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

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Happy Women's Equality Day. In honor of this event, we are happy to announce that Ann Arbor security startup Censys has surpassed tech industry benchmarks in total women at the company, as well as women in technical roles. Censys prides themselves on their role helping more women enter the cybersecurity industry.

Benchmarks For Women in Tech

  • Censys is now at 41% female identifying employees with 33% women in technical roles.
  • Women hold approximately 28% of jobs in the tech industry and 21% of technical roles overall.

Next Up, Full Gender Parity

Many tech startups are working toward gender parity, but it's not a simple equation, because women drop out of the tech workforce or don't have the same opportunities to enter it as far back as college. Censys is aiming to work toward full gender parity next year in the following ways to bridge that gap:

  • In 2022, Censys's goal is to reach full gender parity at 50% and increase diversity in both technical and executive leadership roles. 
  • Censys has committed to annual pay equity reviews and consistently reporting diversity metrics to make sure the efforts are moving the needle.
  • Out of all of Censys's employee resource groups, the women’s group boasts the highest belonging scores on employee engagement surveys.

Tech has a long ways to go in gender equality, so we'll celebrate the wins where we find them. Great job on the continuing effort, Censys!

ann arbor startups, censys, gender parity gap, tech equality, tech gender parity, tech news, tech pay gap, womens equality, womens equality day

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