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Midwest Climate Tech Startups Find Funding through Evergreen

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.

Evergreen Climate Innovation’s 501vc Investment Fund now invests $200k - $300k in early-stage climate tech startups in the Greater Midwest. This climate tech-focused investment fund is looking to support climate startups specifically in the tech space that are headquartered in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and the surrounding states, a location that is historically under-funded for climate tech.

evergreen climate innovations, climate tech startup funding Midwest

Evergreen is looking for early-stage, climate tech companies that fit the following criteria:

  • Developing innovations to solve environmental challenges
  • Pre-Seed and Seed
  • Based in the Greater Midwest region of the United States (IA, IL, IN, WI, MI, MN, KS, MO, OH, TN, KY, ND, SD, CO, NE, and western PA)

Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Once you submit the investment application form, we will provide an initial response within 2 to 3 weeks.

"Evergreen Climate Innovations works actively to help our portfolio companies achieve their milestones and connect to funding, demonstration opportunities, customers, and investors," the fund managers say. "We provide hands-on support helping each company grow and succeed."

Evergreen's portfolio includes over 30 startups in energy and grid resiliency, food and agtech, materials and manufacturing, water safety, transportation and built environment startups focused on geothermal, tankless water heaters and more.

If you have questions, you can reach out to Senior Program Manager Dylan O’Reilly or visit the fund's website to learn more about the 501vc® Investment Fund. You can also learn about funds, accelerators, and prizes available to climate tech startups.

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