What Will Happen With Tech Investing in 2024? As we step into 2024, the tech investing scene continues to evolve under the influence of…
Venture Capital's Role in Advancing Life Sciences The life sciences sector has been a beacon of innovation and growth, underpinned by the…
Shifting Tides in Startup Funding: From Software to Life Sciences The landscape of startup funding is undergoing a significant…
Machina Funding Raise for Advanced Manufacturing Flexibility Flexible advanced manufacturing is finally here. Traditionally, changing…
No More Big Funding Rounds? Once upon a time, it was a rarity to see startups bring in $100 million or more in a round of funding. These…
Plymouth Raises New $125M Fund for Startups Plymouth Growth Partners, a growth equity firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has just announced…
Third Major Bank Failure of 2023 Republic Bank has been seized by the FDIC after the third major bank failure of 2023 in the U.S., following…
The Silicon Valley Bank website has been taken over by "Silicon Valley Bridge Bank" to create a vehicle to serve existing SVB depositors via…
Immuta Inc., a newly minted unicorn tech startup in the Drive Capital LLC and Ohio Innovation Fund portfolios, has added a new publicly…
Startup Forj has just raised a $15 million-dollar Series A funding round and announced a merger with Web Courseworks that will come together…
Desiree Vargas Wrigley runs TechRise and P33 Chicago, a startup community and pitch competition that supports women and BIPOC startup…
Image courtesy Pexels. This article is a guest post by contributor Dean Burgess of Excitepreneur.net. The opinions herein are the sole…
QualSight's combination of research on consumer habits and IoT sensors allow brands to capture insights on product design and usage…
Chicago is still growing as an emerging tech hub. Meet P33, an organization that is supporting entrepreneurs that are historically…
Startups with a few years under their belt based in the Midwest might have an easier time than new startups (pictured above a May Mobility…
Salesforce Tower, Chicago, courtesy Salesforce. Built in Chicago reports this week that it has been another busy month for the windy city's…
Chicago's Fly.io helps small companies launch and run applications with a global network of servers with low latency and affordable prices…
Michigan is a flyover state no longer. Even in the midst of a pandemic that shut down swaths of business, venture capital was still at work…
A Ford F150 Lightning charging. Photo courtesy Ford Motor Co. In a cost-cutting move to assure the jump to an EV future, Ford Motor Co. is…
Columbus insurtech startup Branch has achieved unicorn status with a total valuation of $1.05 billion with its Series C raise of $14…
Evergreen Climate Innovation’s 501vc Investment Fund now invests $200k - $300k in early-stage climate tech startups in the Greater Midwest…
Ann Arbor-based renewable energy O&M solutions startup SkySpecs has just announced an $80 million strategic capital raise led by the…
The Washtenaw Community College Entrepreneurship Center's premier event of the year, Pitch @ WCC, is taking place this year in hybrid format…
Did you know that Michigan business incubator and support organization SPARK helps with guiding regional entrepreneurs through the startup…
The Clean Energy Business Network has created a database of funding opportunities for cleantech businesses. This helps pair eligible…
Genomenon leadership Steve Schwartz, Mike Klein, Mark Kiel, and Candace Chapman at the startup's headquarters in Ann Arbor. Genomenon, Ann…
MediView XR, a Midwest-based medtech startup out of Cleveland, just announced they have raised a $9.9 million round of funding. This round…
Cleveland's North Coast Ventures has raised another $38 million to invest in Midwest startup companies, after investing $60 million in 5…
The world's fastest growing tech hub is now Toronto. The Waterloo Corridor around Toronto has finally achieved its goal of creating a tech…
May Mobility, one of Ann Arbor's top mobility startups that created a self-driving shuttle, just closed an $83 million Series C round of…
Columbus fintech Lower, launched in 2014, has had an amazing year, with nearly 1,000 employees added in 2021 and a Series A round raised of…
Boomerang Catapult has just announced a significant investment in Uru Sports, a Traverse City, Michigan, startup that has created a global…
Columbus has a number of partnerships pulling together various cities around the state to pool resources on building a tech ecosystem, and…
Chicago mints a new unicorn company about once a month now. That's because the Windy City has become a center for tech startups ever since…
Detroit is now chock full of incubators, startups, VCs hunting for dealflow in the Midwest, bootcamps, and career fairs. Photo credit the…
Beringer Capital, a private equity firm specializing in media, marketing services, and technology, announced it has acquired a majority…
Skykick has announced $130 million in funding, which will allow the IT no-code and low codes cloud automation software firm to expand to…
University of Michigan students and faculty have just launched a student-run investment fund focused on supporting early-stage climate tech…
At Ann Arbor's 4th annual Mobility Summit, the focus was on investment in the mobility space. PitchBook's Asad Hussein reported "a flurry of…
The Waterloo region is home to growing number of tech startups. Previously, Cronicle reported on Waterloo region startup Tauria, whose end…
Rivian, the Michigan-based EV pickup startup, has just filed for an IPO hoping for a roughly $80 billion valuation. Rivian said in a…
The Michigan Venture Capital Association has just announced a partnership with Fontinalis Partners to create a $104 million Fund 3 to invest…
It's been a busier than usual year for startup funding around Michigan's growing entrepreneurial ecosystems. While nearly half the VC-funded…
Ann Arbor is home to nearly half of all high-tech startup in the state of Michigan. What's the state of Ann Arbor's entrepreneurial…
Algo, a leading innovator in end-to-end supply chain optimization software based in the Detroit suburbs, announced recently that it received…
Tech startups have been growing in Chicago since big tech started building second headquarters in the region, including Salesforce's sales…
Chicago minted no fewer than 8 unicorn startups already in 2021, and the year is only half over, easily doubling last year's count. Why is…
Leading biotechnology company Amgen announced recently that it plans to invest $365 million to build a new manufacturing facility in New…
The Windy City has boasted a growing number of tech startups and unicorns, or tech startups valued over $1 billion, since big tech started…
Nonprofit research institution EntryPoint recently announced the release of its 2021 Detroit Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report, which shows a…
Chicago has been minting unicorn companies, or startups valued at over $1 billion, at a brisk rate in 2021. New unicorn G2 is the fifth of…
The 2021 MVCA Research Report has just been released, with more details available than our recent interview with Executive Director Ara…
Invest Detroit and ID Ventures invests in Detroit and Southeast Michigan startups, including Asalyxa Bio, Functional Fluidics, and Airspace…
The MVCA Board in Michigan. Michigan's economy has had a "K shaped recovery" as the COVID-19 pandemic had a disproportionate effect on…
Asalyxa Bio, Inc., a biopharmaceutical startup developing nano-engineered, immune cell-targeted therapeutics, just announced the closing of…
Three Michigan startups supported by mid-Michigan's incubator Lansing LEAP have just been named to a Michigan list of 25 top startups, the…
The Blumira team has expanded during COVID, leaving them with a Zoom compilation for a company photo. How does someone build a career in…
Pinball Pete's arcade is a favorite haunt of both Ann Arborites and Lansing residents who cherish memories of gathering with friends around…
Raffaele Mautone is founder and CEO of AaDya, former Duo Security alum from Ann Arbor. Another security startup has joined the growing ranks…
Blumira Raises $2.6 Million in Seed Round If you're in tech, you know something special has been happening in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the last…
This article is a guest post from Cameron McCausland. Cameron is a partner in and currently leads the overall strategy and asset management…
EntryPoint today just released its 2020 Ann Arbor Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report, which covers everything from 20 years of growth in the…
The Censys team in Ann Arbor's Main Street offices. In light of the recent Meow attacks that delete vulnerable databases on the internet, we…
TCNewTech pitch competition TCNewTech Welcomes Michigan Tech and Husky Innovate Startups to August Meetup The following is a press release…
David Ponraj is founder and CEO of StartupSpace Just a little over 2 years ago, David Ponraj decided to do something for underserved…
Brandee Cooke, Executive Director 100K Ideas "Ferris Wheel Flint is the building--a coworking space with 7 floors and flexible memberships…
How To Start A Small Business in Michigan... During Shutdown So you’re laid off, or already thinking of starting a new company, but now it…
An event at 20 Fathoms in Traverse City, Michigan, a growing coworking and incubator space for startups in northern Michigan. Incubator…
Michigan's business analysis firm EntryPoint has just released the Washtenaw County COVID-19 Business Impact Report to help business owners…
Research labs have been shut down. Small businesses are searching for funding. But it's not all bad news in the emerging tech hubs of the…
Hyde Park Ventures' Managing Director Guy Turner heads up the Chicago office of the VC investing firm. With everything going on in the world…
Today, the Michigan Venture Capital Association released its annual research report on the state of venture capital in Michigan. As with…
Michigan launches statewide effort to encourage businesses to apply for $349 billion SBA Paycheck Protection Program, starting today…
Small businesses in Washtenaw County have another option to help bridge the coronavirus crisis: Ann Arbor SPARK has just announced the new…
We're posting these business loan and grant programs quickly for Michigan area businesses both because we know small businesses are hurting…
MEDC Announces Michigan Small Business Relief Program Up to $20 million in grants and loans now available to Michigan’s small businesses…
Ann Arbor SPARK is emerging tech hub Ann Arbor's premier small business support organization and new business incubator. We connected with…
The following is a press release from LEAP in Lansing, Michigan regarding COVID-19 emergency funding and access to small grants and loans…
Lean Rocket Lab in downtown Jackson, Michigan, a global hub of manufacturing companies. Brandon Marken is co-founder and CEO of Lean Rocket…
Diane Bouis of the University of Michigan Office of TechTransfer connects startups at U of M with the tech community in Ann Arbor. Startup…