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tech events

Ann Arbor & Detroit September Tech Events

Laura Cowan

By Laura Cowan

Laura K. Cowan is a tech, business, and wellness journalist and fantasy author whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives and helping individuals find a sense of connection with the natural world.

TechTalk 2019

It's already time for the fall September tech events for Ann Arbor Detroit! This list is not exhaustive, but is a fairly good gathering of what's going on in Metro Detroit for September in tech. This time, we've included some paid workshops for intro to coding of various kinds, but please note most of these hosts have multiple workshops for different subjects. Grand Circus, TechTown Detroit, Tech Elevator, and Entirety Technology all have multiple paid workshops you can check out through the links above.

Have a great month of meetups and conferences and coding workshops, everybody! We'll see you around and will be back with some interviews with group leaders, podcasters, and more this month before we head into DevOpsDays Detroit and the larger tech and mobility conferences. Welcome back, U-M students! Go blue. :)

ann arbor spark, ann arbor tech events, detroit coding workshops, detroit tech events, entirety technology, grand circus, lansing tech events, mobility tech, pontiac tech conference, software detroit, sustainable energy events detroit, tech events september 2019, techtown detroit

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