announcements, life sciences, medical tech, news
MI Manufacturers, Tech Companies Available to Requests for Ventilators, Remote Work Tech, Business Resources

By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.
Michigan COVID-19 Medical & Technology Collaborations Page Is Now Live & Updating Daily
Cronicle's MICHIGAN LIFE SCIENCES & TECH BUSINESS COVID-19 COLLABORATION PAGE is now live and being added to daily.
Michigan has a number of manufacturers, tech businesses, and hospital systems working together to create everything from medical supplies to vaccines to remote work and education options right now for COVID-19 response. Cronicle Press has put together a beginning list of companies posting requests or offering solutions to the coronavirus outbreak from business to educational tech to medical supplies and life science research. We will add to this list continually, but wanted to let you know it's already up and running, from local manufacturers able to prototype ventilators and other hospital supplies to tech companies helping professionals and students switch to remote work options.
Please let us know if you would like your company listed here, including the following information:
Short Blurb explaining what you are requesting or offering for COVID-19 response efforts.
Contact Person or company contact Email, Phone Number if available, and a Website. If you have a Press Release, please link to that and we will make it available for people to learn more.
Contact the Editor @ Cronicle Press
NOTE: Please note that we are open to listing any manufacturing, life sciences, medical, educational tech and business response resources for Great Lakes region small businesses as well including healthcare, employment and business loan information for small businesses, but are leaving most of the big auto manufacturing response to the automotive and mainstream news publications as it is already underway and well covered by media. We are focusing on helping companies connect and collaborate with one another at this time. If you are a smaller manufacturer or any size business offering resources or looking to partner for a coronavirus response project, we want to hear from you. Please take care and stay safe.
coronavirus medical supplies, coronavirus remote work technology, covid 19 apps, covid 19 michigan, educational remote tech, hospital bed manufacturer, hospital supplies great lakes region, small business resources covid 19, ventilator manufacturers