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"Bar Napkin" Pitches @ TCNewTech Michigan Tech Virtual Takeover Pitch Competition Tomorrow
By Laura Cowan
Laura K. Cowan is a tech editor and journalist whose work has focused on promoting sustainability initiatives for automotive, green tech, and conscious living media outlets.
TCNewTech pitch competition
TCNewTech Welcomes Michigan Tech and Husky Innovate Startups to August Meetup
The following is a press release from TCNewTech in Traverse City.
TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN: A cohort of entrepreneurs from Michigan Tech University in Houghton, Michigan will takeover the TCNewTech’s August 4th Pitch Contest as part of an initiative to strengthen the connection between MTU and the Grand Traverse Region. Three student-led “Bar Napkin Ideas” will be presented along with 3 commercialized, early-stage startups with roots connecting them to MTU and the Husky Innovate program.
The "Bar Napkin" pitches will last for one minute each, and the startups will have five minutes to pitch their ideas, and both will be followed by a five minute Q&A from the audience. Similar to the show "Shark Tank" with one exception -- our audience decides which startup will receive the cash prizes by voting via text.
In 2019 representatives from Michigan Tech and community leaders in the Grand Traverse region created an initiative that included ways to partner and collaborate. They realized a strong relationship with a world-class research university would attract new businesses, entrepreneurs, and families. For Michigan Tech, a presence in the tech-forward, creative and industry-rich Grand Traverse area would attract new students, faculty, and staff to the University. And on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, TCNewTech is excited to support that project by hosting the first-ever Michigan Tech Takeover; along with our Sponsors: Michigan Broadband Services, Access Point, Home Waters Real Estate, State Farm Susan Soffredine Rauser Agency, Northern Michigan Angels, Promethient and Michigan Tech University.
“This special TCNewTech event will provide an excellent glimpse into innovative enterprises led by both students and faculty at Michigan Tech. The entrepreneurial energy in the Traverse City region can only benefit from stronger ties to MTU and increased awareness of Tech’s capabilities to innovate across a broad range of engineering disciplines,” said Bill Myers, chair of the Grand Traverse Area Michigan Tech Steering Committee and chief executive officer of Promethient, a Traverse City start-up that specializes in human-scaled climate control technology.
Traverse City's 20Fathoms Incubator is another tech hub in the beautiful Traverse Bay area.
TCNewTech is an organization that brings together innovative ideas with investors during their monthly pitch contests typically held at the City Opera House in downtown Traverse City. Due to the current pandemic situation, TCNewTech will deliver its next Virtual Pitch Night on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, broadcasting live to YouTube and Facebook simultaneously.
Anyone with an entrepreneurial idea is encouraged to submit their ideas to TCNewTech. No idea is too big or too small - TCNewTech wants to hear all ideas!
michigan tech pitch competition, student pitch competition, tcnewtech, tcnewtech pitch competition, traverse city tech events