It's New Years Eve, so we're looking back at the most popular posts on Cronicle Press Tech News out of Ann Arbor-Detroit about the growing…
Ann Arbor Detroit Tech Events January 2020 It's a brand-new year, so we're highlighting some new groups you might not have found yet going…
Denise Graves is Director of University Relations for the MEDC. How The Michigan Economic Development Corporation Helps Companies Get…
Engage HQ pictured right in Kerrytown backing up to the Kerrytown shops. One of our first articles on Cronicle connected Ann Arbor tech with…
Professor Austin Yarger, left, poses with friends at the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan student video game expo at the Betty…
Intermitten Conference is kicked off by founder Heidi Craun in Ann Arbor, where among many other great speakers she interviewed Duo founder…
Hands down, our most popular posts in Cronicle's first 6 months have been the feature on indie game design studios in Michigan from…
The cover of Ki5's latest album, Looking For The Sun. "I began working at Menlo Innovations in February 2018 as a Software Developer, though…
Dana Foley, Jacquelyn Olson, and Mohammed Abouzahr left to right, standing in front of a mural in downtown Ann Arbor by Jonathan Wright of…
Sam Lolla is one of the creators of and the founder and director of Directed Works, a company focused on product development…
Ara Tapouzian of the MVCA at right plays with his award-winning Armenian band at TechCity Jam in Ann Arbor. We met him at the TechCity Jam…