Plymouth Raises New $125M Fund for Startups Plymouth Growth Partners, a growth equity firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has just announced…
Third Major Bank Failure of 2023 Republic Bank has been seized by the FDIC after the third major bank failure of 2023 in the U.S., following…
Microsoft introduced a disturbing chatbot of their own recently, Bing, which occasionally argues with users and threatens them. Google…
Schematic representation of anti-de Sitter space (interior of cylinder) and its dual representation as quantum information on the boundary…
This is a guest post from Dean Burgess, who writes about business and entrepreneurship at The views mentioned here do not…
The Webb telescope’s first released image, of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. The light from SMACS 0723 in this photo is 4.6 billion years…
Sophie is an AI virtual assistant that integrates with business intranets to answer employee questions. AI tool Sophie, from Stefanini, is …
The University of Michigan's enormous research enterprise contributed $97 million to Michigan's economy over the past fiscal year, according…
Bloomberg co-founder Matt Winkler and Editor Emeritus has published a piece on Michigan's #1 U.S. economy this week, saying that under…
Columbus has a number of partnerships pulling together various cities around the state to pool resources on building a tech ecosystem, and…
Chicago mints a new unicorn company about once a month now. That's because the Windy City has become a center for tech startups ever since…
Ann Arbor's Mobility Summit is one of a handful of newer conferences that highlight the drastic growth in the mobility space, as well as in…
Previous winners of a2tech360 FastTrack Awards include Ann Arbor's Human Element, a rapidly growing e-commerce solutions agency. Ann Arbor…
Ann Arbor's startup scene continues its growth with so many new startups we can't cover them all. A unique new offering from young serial…
This image c. the Greater Columbus Convention and Visitors Bureau captures the vibrant downtown, where many new fintech and insurtech…
In mid-July, financial marketplace Credible ranked Michigan as #2 state in the nation for post-pandemic economic recovery, based on the…
Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest, Creating a Leading Global Provider of Mission Critical Information and Data-Driven Solutions for Science and…
Are you curious to learn about cryptocurrency and how to invest in crypto? You're not alone. The interest is so intense that Detroit's…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
The 2021 MVCA Research Report has just been released, with more details available than our recent interview with Executive Director Ara…
Have a new startup in mobility, sustainable energy, or tech that you would like to pitch? Ann Arbor SPARK has just announced a number of…
Entrypoint's current Washtenaw County COVID-19 Business Impact Report is now available for anyone wanting an in-depth look at how the…
Ann Arbor-based Shuffleboard officially launches today, with a 40% discount for anyone looking for a remote team collaboration tool. The…
Pocketnest, a new app for next-gen financial wellness used by top credit unions and companies like Cisco-Diag and The Henry Ford, has…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Blumira Raises $2.6 Million in Seed Round If you're in tech, you know something special has been happening in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the last…
For the last year, Traverse City Michigan startup incubator 20Fathoms has been running a program called tccodes, to mentor professionals…
EntryPoint today just released its 2020 Ann Arbor Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report, which covers everything from 20 years of growth in the…
An event at 20 Fathoms in Traverse City, Michigan, a growing coworking and incubator space for startups in northern Michigan. Incubator…
Ann Arbor's maker community has designed a simplified protective face shield with powered filtered flow, a little brother of the high-end…
In a short month, everything from grocery delivery to contactless delivery robots are becoming commonplace as the American workforce adjusts…
Companies around the world are navigating how to reopen after shutdown. In many cases, it simply isn't feasible for workers to return to…
Michigan's business analysis firm EntryPoint has just released the Washtenaw County COVID-19 Business Impact Report to help business owners…
Today, the Michigan Venture Capital Association released its annual research report on the state of venture capital in Michigan. As with…
EntryPoint Releases 2020 Detroit Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report Michigan-based EntryPoint has just released their 2020 Detroit…
We're posting these business loan and grant programs quickly for Michigan area businesses both because we know small businesses are hurting…
MEDC Announces Michigan Small Business Relief Program Up to $20 million in grants and loans now available to Michigan’s small businesses…
Michigan COVID-19 Medical & Technology Collaborations Page Is Now Live & Updating Daily Cronicle's MICHIGAN LIFE SCIENCES & TECH BUSINESS…
WHO Releases Guidelines on COVID-19 Research for Studying Community Spread, Antibodies The World Health Organization has published…
Ann Arbor SPARK is emerging tech hub Ann Arbor's premier small business support organization and new business incubator. We connected with…
The following is a press release from LEAP in Lansing, Michigan regarding COVID-19 emergency funding and access to small grants and loans…
The following is a press release from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. If your business is contemplating layoffs…
Lean Rocket Lab in downtown Jackson, Michigan, a global hub of manufacturing companies. Brandon Marken is co-founder and CEO of Lean Rocket…
We've spent the week asking around for regional resources and up-to-date information on COVID-19/Coronavirus prevention and quarantine…
UPDATE 3/12/20: Due to widespread event cancellations related to the spread of COVID-19 virus, please check with organizers to see if groups…
Environmental Sampling Goes Digital Russell Schindler is the head of TCNewTech in Traverse City, which at 1600 members averages 200 people…
It's New Years Eve, so we're looking back at the most popular posts on Cronicle Press Tech News out of Ann Arbor-Detroit about the growing…
Intermitten Conference is kicked off by founder Heidi Craun in Ann Arbor, where among many other great speakers she interviewed Duo founder…
Sam Lolla is one of the creators of and the founder and director of Directed Works, a company focused on product development…
216 W. Michigan Ave. Michael Ploof of Tinkertech in downtown Ypsi, right across from SPARK East headquarters, has a unique space. Sewing…
Rebecca Cunningham and Kelly Sexton host a panel on research and startup culture at the University of Michigan, which launched a milestone…
George Miranda talks about handling crisis from a devops perspective. It's day 2 of DevOps Days Detroit at CCS overlooking the downtown…
Erin Maturen shows videos of her students near Flint, Michigan, learning to code Microbot robots and seeing how coding is a process of trial…
Age-old story at this point: "A lot of people don't realize how important supporting entrepreneurship is for the economy," Doug Huesdash…
Evan Adams is the Capital Programs Manager at Detroit's Build Institute, a Detroit-based incubator founded in 2012 that has already…
Automation is revolutionizing the economy and our lives. On October 15th, in Columbus, Ohio, a dozen leaders of the automation revolution…
Into The Dataverse Hackathon Starting today, Friday September 20th at 4:00 pm and running through Sunday September 22 4:00 PM, the Into the…
Young protestors on Ingalls Mall in front of Rackham Auditorium on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor hold signs for the Global…
The Censys Enterprise dashboard, where users can view cloud providers, certificates, hosts, and types of software their companies are…
The IT in the D podcast team. Stop what you're doing and check out this huge list of Detroit-made podcasts. Included in that list: IT in the…
The Voxel51 team, co-founder Jason Corso center. Co-founder and CTO Brian Moore fourth from left in rear. Ann Arbor's Voxel51, an AI startup…
The Tangent Gallery in Detroit this weekend is hosting the Marvelous Detroit Art Emporium for a multimedia music and art show Saturday…
Cannes 2019 begins at the Palais in Cannes, France. How does a young marketer bring best practices from one of the world's most elite…
Trigger Warning: The following post contains adult themes and subject matter that may be traumatic or upsetting to some readers. The…
It's an improving but still perennial issue for the "flyover states": finding funding for your business. Different types of tech companies…
Ann Arbor-based supply chain software development consultancy Llamasoft yesterday announced an expansion that will bring another 70 jobs to…
Gradient Valley founder Keith Bourne presenting about machine learning development on Google Cloud Platform at DevFest conference in…
ITHAKA president Kevin Guthrie speaks at TechTalk 2019 during Ann Arbor's a2tech360 tech week, at the Michigan Theatre in Ann Arbor. We saw…
The story broke on Reddit a couple of weeks ago with a story by Washtenaw Community College student Marie Wood, and has gotten a lot of…\_DBuFo Gaudium is an Ann Arbor-based gaming studio that creates classic anime-style games. We sat down…
Just launched this week, new Windows/PC game Golden Treasure: The Great Green is a Michigan-produced philosophical open world game that puts…
Google CFO Ruth Porat pictured right at the Taylor Community Library in Detroit. Courtesy photo. Senior Vice President and CFO of Google and…
KLA's John Mclaughlin announces a corporate expansion during Tech Talk 2019 before explaining how the company handles extremely high…
Ravi Pendse PhD, VP for IT and CIO at the University of Michigan, kicked off 2029: What The Future Holds with a keynote all about emerging…
Septentrio of Belgium creates high-accuracy GPS for vehicle positioning. The Septentrio tech comes from industrial applications such as…
Dug Song, founder of Ann Arbor unicorn Duo Security, talks at Intermitten Conference 2019 at The Ark in Ann Arbor about how tech companies…
A Clinc team tackles a quick meeting in their second-floor office at Cahoots in downtown Ann Arbor the week before the announcement of a $5…
"We build software that teaches you how to learn a foreign language the way it’s spoken by native speakers every day." Keith Phillips is the…
Cronicle Press launched just over a month ago, and already has 1,000 users, thanks in large part to you, the professionals of Ann Arbor tech…