Specialized Tools for Remote Operations Beyond the fundamental business support tools used by many teams these days such as Slack, Zoom, and…
Airbnb Struggles Impacting Michigan Tourism Industry Airbnb stock recently crashed 14 percent (Yahoo! Finance) in response to lower than…
Announcing Cronicle's New AI Series for Small Business You may have noticed a lull recently as we switched gears at the beginning of 202…
DevOps Days Detroit 2023 Preview A worldwide series of technical conferences focused on software development and IT infrastructure is…
X, Formerly Twitter, Adopts New Subscription Model X, the company formerly known as Twitter, has announced plans (Bloomberg) to test three…
University of Michigan Offers First-of-its-Kind AI Suite ANN ARBOR – As artificial intelligence services are growing exponentially in many…
This is a guest post by Cronicle Press contributor Dean Burgess. For more information about Dean's work, visit Excitepreneur.net. Must-Have…
HR Software for AI and Automation Compliance Chicago AI compliance startup Proceptual has just announced the launch of its tech-enabled…
Gradient Valley Launches First of Its Kind AI Mobile App To Teach Data Science Ann Arbor-based software company Gradient Valley has just…
We've reported before about how AI is being used to fill in gaps in Flint, Michigan, pipe records to predict where pipes need to be replaced…
ChatGPT-4 exam results compared to previous model. ChatGPT-4 is here, on the heels of ChatGPT-3. What is new with this new edition of…
Bitwise Industries is a Fresno-based tech startup on a mission: teach underserved populations how to code, pay them to get real-world…
Engineers may be grappling with the idea that AI can code, threatening low-level software developer jobs in the coming years, but AI is also…
Microsoft introduced a disturbing chatbot of their own recently, Bing, which occasionally argues with users and threatens them. Google…
Startup Forj has just raised a $15 million-dollar Series A funding round and announced a merger with Web Courseworks that will come together…
Columbus tech startup Lower has just unveiled a new service that could disrupt the lending industry: mortgage as a service. And it's not…
Voicero allows Microsoft Teams meetings to translate audio on live calls into 20 different languages to help teams collaborate across…
QualSight's combination of research on consumer habits and IoT sensors allow brands to capture insights on product design and usage…
Tenacity, a leading provider of cloud cost optimization tools, has just announced the launch of a new cloud cost management platform that…
New managing partners of Atomic Object's Raleigh-Durham expansion Taylor Vanden Hoek and Ryan Abel. Successful Michigan-based custom…
Image courtesy Fast AI If you heard about the Stable Diffusion AI release and want to learn how to run it, this new course is for you. Fast…
Stable Diffusion image of AI generated faces. Image courtesy Stability AI. Stability AI recently announced the public launch of their…
Chicago's Fly.io helps small companies launch and run applications with a global network of servers with low latency and affordable prices…
Sophie is an AI virtual assistant that integrates with business intranets to answer employee questions. AI tool Sophie, from Stefanini, is…
CarBeast is a Michigan and California-based startup who created an AI tool with a different application: it helps you make informed…
Cleveland's North Coast Ventures has raised another $38 million to invest in Midwest startup companies, after investing $60 million in 5…
Detroit is now chock full of incubators, startups, VCs hunting for dealflow in the Midwest, bootcamps, and career fairs. Photo credit the…
Eoxs has been one of the most popular stories we've covered on Cronicle. The startup disrupted steel buying technology by providing an e…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Detroit's Donavan Wright was a residential real estate investor in several locations he had lived across the U.S., which he "used to help my…
A2NewTech is a tradition around Ann Arbor and Michigan startup culture. New startups come to pitch ideas for feedback, to attract funding…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Eoxs e-commerce allows users to plug their products, inventory, pricing, logo, and domain into an e-commerce solution for quick online sales…
Jessica Willis of Ann Arbor's Pocketnest has encouraging words for other founders working through hard times. Despite a challenging year, a…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Ann Arbor-based Shuffleboard officially launches today, with a 40% discount for anyone looking for a remote team collaboration tool. The…
BrandXR founder Mahmoud Mattan speaks at TEDx Detroit about the human attention span, and how we crave immersive information experiences via…
Pocketnest, a new app for next-gen financial wellness used by top credit unions and companies like Cisco-Diag and The Henry Ford, has…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Susan Wagner of KLA Corporation spoke up front at this year's TechTalk out of Ann Arbor on the importance of diversity and inclusion…
A2.AI Conference Highlights Trends in Applied AI This week's a2tech360 conference has continued the newer Applied AI conference, which…
It's finally here: Ann Arbor's annual tech week, a2tech360, starts today and runs all next week with 16 online tech events highlighting the…
Personal training and wellness coaching went online during the COVID-19 shutdown, which put thousands of coaches in charge of their own…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Ann Arbor startup and TechDisrupt 2019 AI top pick Voxel51 just announced that it has just launched a new tool called FiftyOne, the computer…
The Censys team in Ann Arbor's Main Street offices. In light of the recent Meow attacks that delete vulnerable databases on the internet, we…
Heidi Hagle, Stefanini VP of People and Culture, works from her home office. Companies everywhere are looking for best practices and tech…
David Ponraj is founder and CEO of StartupSpace Just a little over 2 years ago, David Ponraj decided to do something for underserved…
How do you replace all the lead pipes in Flint when you don't know how many there are? It's a problem now faced by multiple municipalities…
Patent strategy firm Aurora Consulting in Traverse City recently awarded several startups in the Midwest with a RISE Award, which stands for…
What Is Digital Twinning Tech for Advanced Manufacturing? Enterprise software company UrsaLeo recently announced an expansion into the…
Universities everywhere are trying to trim budgets and plan for virtual instruction in case of a second wave in the Fall 2020 semester, but…
Popular video conferencing software Zoom and other remote conferencing tech services have been in the news lately for failing to fully…
Catalina Kaiyoorawongs, co-founder of LoanSense, a startup out of emerging tech hub Ann Arbor that uses an algorithm to match users with the…
Text Mining Service For Researching Aggregated Data The idea? Put publicly available datasets all in one place so it's easier for…
Overnight with the coronavirus outbreak shutdowns across the world, business owners and employees were asked to convert to work from home…
Ann Arbor's Voxel51, which offers advanced machine learning tools to analyze video, has just released a tool that looks at the social impact…
In collaboration with the A2 Biosocial meetup group and a number of professionals in the IT and biomedical field in Ann Arbor and the Great…
Tomorrow in Grand Rapids, the Defense Innovation Drink & Think is taking place. This event, according to organizer Gregg Wildes of…
The ladies who run Jottful set out to help very small businesses with fewer than 5 employees create professional websites. "Our clients are…
Environmental Sampling Goes Digital Russell Schindler is the head of TCNewTech in Traverse City, which at 1600 members averages 200 people…
There are now more than 20 SmartZones across the state of Michigan, which means incubators in dozens of locations to support local startups…
Detroit Tech Startups As of 2019, Detroit now has 4 unicorns--Duo, Stockx, Rivian, and OneStream--tech companies valued at more than…
A Clinc meeting in progress we passed through on our tour of the Cahoots co-working space a few months ago shortly after Cronicle's launch…
Innovation Program Manager Diane Bouis of the University of Michigan Venture Accelerator stands in the Office of Tech Transfer, where every…
The Voxel51 team, co-founder Jason Corso center. Co-founder and CTO Brian Moore fourth from left in rear. Ann Arbor's Voxel51, an AI startup…
Designer Eszter Boldog left and Peter Lauwers right in the Orangesplash offices behind the meeting rooms of Arbormoon Software downtown Ann…
College campuses have been through a number of crises lately, from dealing with increasing academic pressure to a growing number of active…
Alfa Jango founder Steve Schwartz stands in the company catacomb-style conference room in front of a number of checks written to his…
The man who founded popular ForeSee Results survey software you've seen on websites from Realtor.com to U.S. government websites is back…
Gradient Valley founder Keith Bourne presenting about machine learning development on Google Cloud Platform at DevFest conference in…
An Orlando augmented reality-enhanced mural by Brand XR's Moody Mattan and several partners. Moody Mattan of BrandXR, a newer augmented and…
Community. It's a topic that has rolled around tech and learning communities lately because of the growth of online education and the…
An Intro To Programming class put on by Tech-Inclusive. Ronda Bergman pictured left. Courtesy photo. What does tech need more of? What we…
Austin Yarger is a University of Michigan lecturer on gaming development and president of Arbor Interactive studios. Like a lot of sectors…
Jennifer Marsman leads the Ann Arbor Machine Learning Group hosted at Arbormoon Software. Photo courtesy Arbormoon. If you've been around…
"We build software that teaches you how to learn a foreign language the way it’s spoken by native speakers every day." Keith Phillips is the…
Harry Yang and Demi Yang pose in front of the art of local "fairyologist" sketch artist Jonathan B. Wright, the man behind the Ann Arbor…
The Kinetica Labs MotionCapture app allows the user to take a video with a smartphone for upload to analyze ergonomic risk of a worker…
Nina Schell, user experience designer at Thomson Reuters, visits with Cronicle at Argus Farm Stop on Packard for coffee. "You can always…
You've been to kids museums, hopefully as a child and again as an adult parent or volunteer. They are the coolest places. Hardly anyone…
Eric Shapiro poses outside popular Downtown Home and Garden in downtown Ann Arbor, where the first flowers of the season are for sale. Do…
Jamie Begin, founder of RightBrain Networks and DevOps Days Detroit. Courtesy photo. "I guess one of our challenges is that we've been…
If Cronicle ever gives out a Nicest Dude/Dudette in Tech Award, the first one is going to Bob Kuehne of Blue Newt (not to mention his super…
A network guy in his native habitat. David Adrian, Co-founder and Engineering Manager at Censys on the streets of Ann Arbor. It's not every…
The problem with growing Ann Arbor tech faster than it's already growing, according to Databricks Solutions Architect and Partner Jordan…
Peerstachio is a social platform for connecting students with peers for academic help. In our recent two-part series on the student…
Photo courtesy Mike Beasley, Amazon. Mike Beasley of Amazon is the co-chair of UX Ignite MI with his colleague Andrea Neuhoff of Duo…
... Continued from Part 1 Alison Elgass of Busy Box. ... Innovation in Action uses the same work space as TechArb for students to come…
Michelle Wander, Ryan Gourley, and Erin Moore, Assistant Director of Student Engagement and former Program Manager at Innovation in Action…