Michigan Voter Guide Need a little help catching up on all the candidates and ballot proposals for your local elections this November? A…
Murder of Crows: Reverse All Tides Cronicle is happy to announce the release of our first fiction publication set in the Great Lakes: Murder…
Open Call For Business Stories To Be Featured on Cronicle The last few years have seen tremendous growth on Cronicle. Then we took a bit of…
The core of a JET tokamak that produces nuclear fusion reactions in the UK. Photo c. Christopher Roux, CEA-IRFM, EUROfusion. The US…
Chicago is still growing as an emerging tech hub. Meet P33, an organization that is supporting entrepreneurs that are historically…
Join the annual Tech Homecoming hiring event at Cahoots in Ann Arbor November 23rd 4-7 pm hosted by Ann Arbor SPARK to find your next tech…
Photo courtesy Tim Busbey. We are happy to announce Cronicle's second hire for our content marketing division, where we write blogs and…
New managing partners of Atomic Object's Raleigh-Durham expansion Taylor Vanden Hoek and Ryan Abel. Successful Michigan-based custom…
A newer pitch competition is trying to help Michigan's economy and environment at the same time. The Michigan Department of the Environment…
It's that time again: Ann Arbor's premier tech event a2tech360 is now a week of tech-related events for all audiences from professionals to…
Cronicle has quickly expanded from a Midwest tech blog project based out of Ann Arbor-Detroit covering the emergence of Midwest cities as…
Stable Diffusion image of AI generated faces. Image courtesy Stability AI. Stability AI recently announced the public launch of their…
Photo courtesy the University of Michigan. The antimicrobial coating is clear, even when applied in a thick layer to surfaces. News out of…
Salesforce Tower, Chicago, courtesy Salesforce. Built in Chicago reports this week that it has been another busy month for the windy city's…
Photo courtesy TreeTown Tech. Ann Arbor's TreeTown Tech has created a modeling program for prototyping products using a variety of 3D…
Michigan is a flyover state no longer. Even in the midst of a pandemic that shut down swaths of business, venture capital was still at work…
We've been busy lately, as the content marketing side of Cronicle has taken off. It's still small, but we need help writing for Cronicle and…
Looking for a career shift or boost in your tech career? Google's Grow With Google program is offering professional training and…
The Webb telescope’s first released image, of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. The light from SMACS 0723 in this photo is 4.6 billion years…
The New Enterprise is hosting another NEF Pitch Pit July 14, at SPARK Central in Ann Arbor, MI. Join us for July 2022: Pitch Pit Competition…
Columbus insurtech startup Branch has achieved unicorn status with a total valuation of $1.05 billion with its Series C raise of $14…
The University of Michigan is partnering with Facebook parent company Meta to build a social media data archive. The project intends to make…
Evergreen Climate Innovation’s 501vc Investment Fund now invests $200k - $300k in early-stage climate tech startups in the Greater Midwest…
Septentrio, an industry leader in high-precision GNSS positioning solutions, has just announced a collaboration with MicroPilot, a creator…
HumanElement wins a FastTrack award for rapid business growth at a2tech360 2021. Have you been waiting for a2tech360, Ann Arbor's tech week…
Thanks to the generous support and interest of those of you in the Midwest tech community and beyond, Cronicle Press has just hit another…
The Washtenaw Community College Entrepreneurship Center's premier event of the year, Pitch @ WCC, is taking place this year in hybrid format…
Blumira has just announced a Free security monitoring service edition of the company's business threat monitoring and response security…
LG Energy Solution announced this week that they will invest $1.7 billion and create 1,200 jobs at the company's current location in Holland…
TC NewTech and other tech organizations including 20 Fathoms, Northern Michigan Angels, and Newton's Road are about to host the Northern…
New Enterprise Forum (NEF) recently announced the winners of its annual Entrepreneurship Awards. These awards are given in recognition of…
OhioX has just announced a new tech summit for Ohio, bringing together some of the top speakers from growing startups in the region. As we…
Boomerang Catapult has just announced a significant investment in Uru Sports, a Traverse City, Michigan, startup that has created a global…
Pocketnest founder Jessica Willis. Formerly Ann Arbor-based fintech startup Pocketnest, now headquartered in Detroit, has announced recently…
Columbus has a number of partnerships pulling together various cities around the state to pool resources on building a tech ecosystem, and…
Eoxs has been one of the most popular stories we've covered on Cronicle. The startup disrupted steel buying technology by providing an e…
University of Michigan students and faculty have just launched a student-run investment fund focused on supporting early-stage climate tech…
Previous winners of a2tech360 FastTrack Awards include Ann Arbor's Human Element, a rapidly growing e-commerce solutions agency. Ann Arbor…
September 30th, the Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) announced the awardees of the 2021 MVCA Annual Awards Dinner. MVCA announced…
Want a chance to check out driverless shuttles? If you're in Ann Arbor, you can check out the new A2Go shuttle during a2tech360's A2 Zero…
Ann Arbor's growing tech week, a2tech360, was delayed this year until October, but has continued to grow to a multi-event extravaganza of…
Ann Arbor's startup scene continues its growth with so many new startups we can't cover them all. A unique new offering from young serial…
"Perficient’s Bright Paths Program is designed to advance STEM education and career opportunities for women and other underrepresented…
Do you have a content marketing program you have struggled to get off the ground? Would you like to find a way to make content marketing for…
The Waterloo region is home to growing number of tech startups. Previously, Cronicle reported on Waterloo region startup Tauria, whose end…
Septentrio releases open-source wireless GPS/GNSS hardware for IoT and autonomous applications Septentrio, a leader in high-precision GNSS…
To give you a head start planning your attendance to Ann Arbor SPARK's a2tech360 tech week that's happening the first week of October this…
So you've got your startup running, now how do you do PR outreach and content marketing? A great media pitch is similar to your startup…
Rivian, the Michigan-based EV pickup startup, has just filed for an IPO hoping for a roughly $80 billion valuation. Rivian said in a…
Happy Women's Equality Day. In honor of this event, we are happy to announce that Ann Arbor security startup Censys has surpassed tech…
The Michigan Venture Capital Association has just announced a partnership with Fontinalis Partners to create a $104 million Fund 3 to invest…
It's been a busier than usual year for startup funding around Michigan's growing entrepreneurial ecosystems. While nearly half the VC-funded…
Ann Arbor is home to nearly half of all high-tech startup in the state of Michigan. What's the state of Ann Arbor's entrepreneurial…
Algo, a leading innovator in end-to-end supply chain optimization software based in the Detroit suburbs, announced recently that it received…
In mid-July, financial marketplace Credible ranked Michigan as #2 state in the nation for post-pandemic economic recovery, based on the…
Chicago minted no fewer than 8 unicorn startups already in 2021, and the year is only half over, easily doubling last year's count. Why is…
Leading biotechnology company Amgen announced recently that it plans to invest $365 million to build a new manufacturing facility in New…
The Windy City has boasted a growing number of tech startups and unicorns, or tech startups valued over $1 billion, since big tech started…
TC New Tech's startup pitch event was back in person this month for the first time since the pandemic. Here's news about the winner, as well…
Nonprofit research institution EntryPoint recently announced the release of its 2021 Detroit Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report, which shows a…
Chicago has been minting unicorn companies, or startups valued at over $1 billion, at a brisk rate in 2021. New unicorn G2 is the fifth of…
If you've been missing pitch pits, you can check out the latest from TC NewTech's pitch night tonight June 1. TCNewTech will be online again…
Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest, Creating a Leading Global Provider of Mission Critical Information and Data-Driven Solutions for Science and…
Detroit's Donavan Wright was a residential real estate investor in several locations he had lived across the U.S., which he "used to help my…
Ann Arbor Tech Meetups & Tech Webinars May 2021 THURSDAY, MAY 6 5:00 PM MICHIGAN PYTHON Online MI Python: Make Your Python App Multiplatform…
The 2021 MVCA Research Report has just been released, with more details available than our recent interview with Executive Director Ara…
That's right, it's already been another month of Blursdays, so it's already time for another Traverse City Pitch Night with TCNewTech. Pitch…
20 Fathoms is a hub of startup mentorship in northern Michigan, located in Traverse City. Traverse City's 20Fathoms just announced its new…
Have a new startup in mobility, sustainable energy, or tech that you would like to pitch? Ann Arbor SPARK has just announced a number of…
Ann Arbor security startup Censys has hired Duo West sales veteran Will Saso of San Jose, CA, to head up its worldwide sales. We take this…
Combining a shift to electric vehicles over the next decades and paying to offset emissions, General Motors announced yesterday a plan to…
University of Michigan game development professor Austin Yarger is a favorite on Cronicle Press, for introducing our readers to new indie…
It was a tough year, that needs no emphasizing, except to say we extend our heartfelt sympathies to anyone who lost a loved one from COVID…
Tonight is the monthly TCNewTech pitch event up in Traverse City, now online for the short term due to coronavirus. Starting at 6 pm, you…
Cybersecurity startup Censys, which offers visibility and risk assessment of businesses' constantly evolving security vulnerabilities…
Ann Arbor's premier tech hiring event, Tech Homecoming, happens Tuesday, November 27, from 3-7 pm. This year it's virtual, so you can attend…
The Impact Economy Opens New Opportunities for Purpose-Driven Work & A Sustainable Future “If we choose, the impact economy can give new…
It's finally here: Ann Arbor's annual tech week, a2tech360, starts today and runs all next week with 16 online tech events highlighting the …
For the last year, Traverse City Michigan startup incubator 20Fathoms has been running a program called tccodes, to mentor professionals…
Communications Consulting for Tech Startups We are very happy to announce that Cronicle is now offering communications and content marketing…
TCNewTech pitch competition TCNewTech Welcomes Michigan Tech and Husky Innovate Startups to August Meetup The following is a press release…
We covered TU-Automotive Software Conference in Detroit in 2019, and it was hard to even begin to bring you backstage access to all the…
Last year, we covered Intermitten: The Conference for Change Makers, as part of our Ann Arbor a2tech360 Tech Week coverage, including…
Just released from Ann Arbor SPARK is the announcement that Ann Arbor's tech week and all associated a2Tech360 programming will be delivered…
The University of Michigan School of Information is seeking organizations to host student projects in the 2020-2021 school year…
As summer camps went virtual across the U.S., we had a sneaky little thought. Who is to know if your kid is doing the remote summer camp…
Ann Arbor's maker community has designed a simplified protective face shield with powered filtered flow, a little brother of the high-end…
We at Cronicle would like to expect social justice and equality to be the norm. Times like these highlight how far we as a society still…
In the last month, many tech conferences and tech events have pulled the plug on in-person gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even…
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak shutdown around the globe, a growing number of tech events have moved online for the first time. This month, we…
Givitas, a company we've highlighted previously on Cronicle for supporting reciprocity in professional networks through dedicated social…
A Cheaper, Faster, More Reliable Coronavirus Antibody Test? A microfluidic device invented at the University of Michigan and developed by U…
Today, the Michigan Venture Capital Association released its annual research report on the state of venture capital in Michigan. As with…
ProQuest Creates New COVID-19 & SARS/MERS Virus Research Database Free To Library Customers Ann Arbor-based academic research database…
Ann Arbor's Voxel51, which offers advanced machine learning tools to analyze video, has just released a tool that looks at the social impact…
Call For Additional Manufacturing of Critical PPE Equipment "A lot of people want to help manufacture PPE protective gear but don't know how…
Michigan launches statewide effort to encourage businesses to apply for $349 billion SBA Paycheck Protection Program, starting today…
Small businesses in Washtenaw County have another option to help bridge the coronavirus crisis: Ann Arbor SPARK has just announced the new…
We're posting these business loan and grant programs quickly for Michigan area businesses both because we know small businesses are hurting…
Our new Michigan online tech events page is live and being updated on a rolling basis as many tech communities in Ann Arbor-Detroit and the…