Ann Arbor continues to pump out new tech startups by the month, and we've got a sneak peek for 2022 on one of the fastest growing in health…
Students arrange robots for the Robot Garden at the new Robotics building on the campus of the University of Michigan. Photos courtesy…
Cybersecurity startup Blumira has just announced multiple new hires as the company expands rapidly through the end of 2021. New senior-level…
Pocketnest founder Jessica Willis. Formerly Ann Arbor-based fintech startup Pocketnest, now headquartered in Detroit, has announced recently…
Columbus has a number of partnerships pulling together various cities around the state to pool resources on building a tech ecosystem, and…
Chicago mints a new unicorn company about once a month now. That's because the Windy City has become a center for tech startups ever since…
Detroit is now chock full of incubators, startups, VCs hunting for dealflow in the Midwest, bootcamps, and career fairs. Photo credit the…
Ann Arbor's Mobility Summit is one of a handful of newer conferences that highlight the drastic growth in the mobility space, as well as in…
Beringer Capital, a private equity firm specializing in media, marketing services, and technology, announced it has acquired a majority…
Skykick has announced $130 million in funding, which will allow the IT no-code and low codes cloud automation software firm to expand to…
Winners of a TechTown Detroit pitch event. This is a guest post from Civionics CEO and former TechTown Detroit mentor Gerry Roston. If you…
Want to see the best garden pavilion that robots can build? The public is invited October 24 to the opening and ribbon cutting ceremony in…
Eoxs has been one of the most popular stories we've covered on Cronicle. The startup disrupted steel buying technology by providing an e…
University of Michigan students and faculty have just launched a student-run investment fund focused on supporting early-stage climate tech…
Sandy Harvey of ouroffice works with startups to set the foundation for functional communication and psychological safety early on. This…
a2tech360 week in Ann Arbor continues, with What The Future Holds today to predict the trajectories of tech-related industries that have a…
At Ann Arbor's 4th annual Mobility Summit, the focus was on investment in the mobility space. PitchBook's Asad Hussein reported "a flurry of…
Previous winners of a2tech360 FastTrack Awards include Ann Arbor's Human Element, a rapidly growing e-commerce solutions agency. Ann Arbor…
September 30th, the Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA) announced the awardees of the 2021 MVCA Annual Awards Dinner. MVCA announced…
Want a chance to check out driverless shuttles? If you're in Ann Arbor, you can check out the new A2Go shuttle during a2tech360's A2 Zero…
Ann Arbor's growing tech week, a2tech360, was delayed this year until October, but has continued to grow to a multi-event extravaganza of…
Ann Arbor's startup scene continues its growth with so many new startups we can't cover them all. A unique new offering from young serial…
"Perficient’s Bright Paths Program is designed to advance STEM education and career opportunities for women and other underrepresented…
Do you have a content marketing program you have struggled to get off the ground? Would you like to find a way to make content marketing for…
The Waterloo region is home to growing number of tech startups. Previously, Cronicle reported on Waterloo region startup Tauria, whose end…
Septentrio releases open-source wireless GPS/GNSS hardware for IoT and autonomous applications Septentrio, a leader in high-precision GNSS…
To give you a head start planning your attendance to Ann Arbor SPARK's a2tech360 tech week that's happening the first week of October this…
So you've got your startup running, now how do you do PR outreach and content marketing? A great media pitch is similar to your startup…
Rivian, the Michigan-based EV pickup startup, has just filed for an IPO hoping for a roughly $80 billion valuation. Rivian said in a…
This image c. the Greater Columbus Convention and Visitors Bureau captures the vibrant downtown, where many new fintech and insurtech…
Happy Women's Equality Day. In honor of this event, we are happy to announce that Ann Arbor security startup Censys has surpassed tech…
The Michigan Venture Capital Association has just announced a partnership with Fontinalis Partners to create a $104 million Fund 3 to invest…
It's been a busier than usual year for startup funding around Michigan's growing entrepreneurial ecosystems. While nearly half the VC-funded…
Ann Arbor is home to nearly half of all high-tech startup in the state of Michigan. What's the state of Ann Arbor's entrepreneurial…
Algo, a leading innovator in end-to-end supply chain optimization software based in the Detroit suburbs, announced recently that it received…
In mid-July, financial marketplace Credible ranked Michigan as #2 state in the nation for post-pandemic economic recovery, based on the…
Tech startups have been growing in Chicago since big tech started building second headquarters in the region, including Salesforce's sales…
For those business owners not in the tech startup space, Ann Arbor SPARK is launching a new, free educational series, Accelerating Company…
Chicago minted no fewer than 8 unicorn startups already in 2021, and the year is only half over, easily doubling last year's count. Why is…
Leading biotechnology company Amgen announced recently that it plans to invest $365 million to build a new manufacturing facility in New…
It's already mid-summer for the Michigan tech community, which has had a busy startup launch summer but a much sleepier tech event schedule…
The Windy City has boasted a growing number of tech startups and unicorns, or tech startups valued over $1 billion, since big tech started…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Nonprofit research institution EntryPoint recently announced the release of its 2021 Detroit Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report, which shows a…
TC New Tech's startup pitch event was back in person this month for the first time since the pandemic. Here's news about the winner, as well…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Chicago has been minting unicorn companies, or startups valued at over $1 billion, at a brisk rate in 2021. New unicorn G2 is the fifth of…
Cahoots is back to hosting some in-person events, including Code & Coffee meetup. Michigan tech organizations and enthusiast groups are…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
"Getting jobs filled should transcend politics and get the best people for the position," says Jibril Sulaiman. Sulaiman is an entrepreneur…
If you've been missing pitch pits, you can check out the latest from TC NewTech's pitch night tonight June 1. TCNewTech will be online again…
This post is sponsored by cloud consulting firm Trek10, who support businesses by migrating their data to the cloud and protecting them from…
This post is sponsored by cloud consulting firm Trek10, who support businesses by migrating their data to the cloud and protecting them from…
Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest, Creating a Leading Global Provider of Mission Critical Information and Data-Driven Solutions for Science and…
Detroit's Donavan Wright was a residential real estate investor in several locations he had lived across the U.S., which he "used to help my…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by cloud consulting firm Trek10, who support businesses by migrating their data to the cloud and protecting them from…
Are you curious to learn about cryptocurrency and how to invest in crypto? You're not alone. The interest is so intense that Detroit's…
CloudSploit offers visual cybersecurity monitoring tools for business. This post is sponsored by cloud consulting firm Trek10, who support…
Ann Arbor Tech Meetups & Tech Webinars May 2021 THURSDAY, MAY 6 5:00 PM MICHIGAN PYTHON Online MI Python: Make Your Python App Multiplatform…
This post is sponsored by cloud consulting firm Trek10, who support businesses by migrating their data to the cloud and protecting them from…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
The 2021 MVCA Research Report has just been released, with more details available than our recent interview with Executive Director Ara…
A2NewTech is a tradition around Ann Arbor and Michigan startup culture. New startups come to pitch ideas for feedback, to attract funding…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Working from home and want to upgrade to a custom keyboard or ergonomic keyboard? Cherry Americas located in the Midwest between Chicago and…
Eoxs e-commerce allows users to plug their products, inventory, pricing, logo, and domain into an e-commerce solution for quick online sales…
"Isn't this supposed to be an overnight success?" asks Dawn Verbrigghe, CEO of website creation startup Jottful at a2tech360's TechTalk last…
From left to right, County Comissioner Shannon Beeman, Michigan State Senator Rebekah Warren, Michigan State Representative Donna Lasinski…
2020 Tribeca Film Festival film Picture a Scientist, which examines harassment of women in STEM and the cultural issues that drive attrition…
AllHandsActive offers a retro tech show and tell for attendees to geek out over their retro devices. Great Lakes Tech Events: Ann Arbor…
Gary Goodman is the latest hire to be added to Ann Arbor-based website creation agency Human Element. He is joining the strategy team as an…
Sensei Suino of JMAC in Ann Arbor The tech industry is an energizing space to work, but even the most put-upon engineer needs to rest…
Invest Detroit and ID Ventures invests in Detroit and Southeast Michigan startups, including Asalyxa Bio, Functional Fluidics, and Airspace…
The MVCA Board in Michigan. Michigan's economy has had a "K shaped recovery" as the COVID-19 pandemic had a disproportionate effect on…
Ryan Landau heads up the Purpose Jobs team. Ryan Landau is co-founder of Purpose Jobs, a recruiting firm that works with the hottest tech…
Asalyxa Bio, Inc., a biopharmaceutical startup developing nano-engineered, immune cell-targeted therapeutics, just announced the closing of…
That's right, it's already been another month of Blursdays, so it's already time for another Traverse City Pitch Night with TCNewTech. Pitch…
Three Michigan startups supported by mid-Michigan's incubator Lansing LEAP have just been named to a Michigan list of 25 top startups, the…
20 Fathoms is a hub of startup mentorship in northern Michigan, located in Traverse City. Traverse City's 20Fathoms just announced its new…
Have a new startup in mobility, sustainable energy, or tech that you would like to pitch? Ann Arbor SPARK has just announced a number of…
Your Name (required) [text* your-name] Your Email (required) [email* your-email] Subject [text your-subject] Your Message [textarea your…
Ann Arbor security startup Censys has hired Duo West sales veteran Will Saso of San Jose, CA, to head up its worldwide sales. We take this…
What's going on lately with all the pitch groups and networking events that have gone virtual? This month, we're seeing tech groups focus on…
The Blumira team has expanded during COVID, leaving them with a Zoom compilation for a company photo. How does someone build a career in…
Entrypoint's current Washtenaw County COVID-19 Business Impact Report is now available for anyone wanting an in-depth look at how the…
Jessica Willis of Ann Arbor's Pocketnest has encouraging words for other founders working through hard times. Despite a challenging year, a…
This post is sponsored by business support organization Ann Arbor SPARK, which promotes the growth and development of businesses in…
Combining a shift to electric vehicles over the next decades and paying to offset emissions, General Motors announced yesterday a plan to…
Many notable startups were founded in the Midwest, including Ann Arbor's May Mobility and Rivian mobility tech startups. Many startups need…
ITHAKA, the parent company of popular academic research site JSTOR among other properties, is a proponent of diversity and inclusion through…
We have just a few unique tech events to highlight this month around Michigan. We hope you are having as peaceful a new year as possible and…
This is Part 5 of our ongoing Cronicle Consulting Content Marketing series, which highlights a few ways your tech company or startup can get…
Emerging tech hub Ann Arbor is now home to hundreds of tech companies from biotech to mobility and software/security. If you're thinking…
University of Michigan game development professor Austin Yarger is a favorite on Cronicle Press, for introducing our readers to new indie…