It's New Years Eve, so we're looking back at the most popular posts on Cronicle Press Tech News out of Ann Arbor-Detroit about the growing…
Ann Arbor Detroit Tech Events January 2020 It's a brand-new year, so we're highlighting some new groups you might not have found yet going…
Denise Graves is Director of University Relations for the MEDC. How The Michigan Economic Development Corporation Helps Companies Get…
Engage HQ pictured right in Kerrytown backing up to the Kerrytown shops. One of our first articles on Cronicle connected Ann Arbor tech with…
Professor Austin Yarger, left, poses with friends at the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan student video game expo at the Betty…
Intermitten Conference is kicked off by founder Heidi Craun in Ann Arbor, where among many other great speakers she interviewed Duo founder…
Hands down, our most popular posts in Cronicle's first 6 months have been the feature on indie game design studios in Michigan from…
The cover of Ki5's latest album, Looking For The Sun. "I began working at Menlo Innovations in February 2018 as a Software Developer, though…
Dana Foley, Jacquelyn Olson, and Mohammed Abouzahr left to right, standing in front of a mural in downtown Ann Arbor by Jonathan Wright of…
Sam Lolla is one of the creators of and the founder and director of Directed Works, a company focused on product development…
Ara Tapouzian of the MVCA at right plays with his award-winning Armenian band at TechCity Jam in Ann Arbor. We met him at the TechCity Jam…
It's a common story in startup culture: people comfortable with the risks of starting a new business often have a background in which they…
A courtesy photo from last year's holiday party at Arbormoon Software, which is open to all. Can't believe it's already the end of 2019, but…
George Miranda speaks at the recent DevOps Days Detroit 2019 at Detroit's College for Creative Studies in New Center. "I get to do non…
re:purpose, Detroit's Tech Startup Recruiting Firm Did you ever wonder how candidates land jobs at hot tech companies like Duo out of Ann…
Leslie Raymond, Director of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, speaks at the festival in 2017. "It's unusual, experimental, and avant-garde," says…
As promised, the full video coverage of DevOps Days Detroit 2019 is now available online. You can find the playlist here, to check out…
Rising Leaders founder Dave Haviland and Amy Cottrell also of Phimation Strategy Group stand in front of a list of Rising Leaders…
Heather Martel is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of ProjectFRED, a new fintech, blockchain-powered commercial real estate startup…
There are now more than 20 SmartZones across the state of Michigan, which means incubators in dozens of locations to support local startups…
216 W. Michigan Ave. Michael Ploof of Tinkertech in downtown Ypsi, right across from SPARK East headquarters, has a unique space. Sewing…
Detroit Tech Startups As of 2019, Detroit now has 4 unicorns--Duo, Stockx, Rivian, and OneStream--tech companies valued at more than…
Recently, Phimation Strategy executive coach Dave Haviland and team piloted a podcast with Ann Arbor SPARK called SPARK.grow and a new pilot…
We knew this would happen, it just came sooner than expected. We couldn't possibly cronicle all the amazing tech-related events around Ann…
Human Element's offices are located at the west end of the Broadway bridge in north Kerrytown, which makes the parking tricky but the…
Rebecca Cunningham and Kelly Sexton host a panel on research and startup culture at the University of Michigan, which launched a milestone…
George Miranda talks about handling crisis from a devops perspective. It's day 2 of DevOps Days Detroit at CCS overlooking the downtown…
Erin Maturen shows videos of her students near Flint, Michigan, learning to code Microbot robots and seeing how coding is a process of trial…
This page is a work in progress. We will be listing our favorite AI tools for business, with a particular focus on tools that allow startups…
Want to share your latest business news, your tips for other business owners on how to run a business remotely or how to build through AI…
Ann Arbor-Detroit are distinct but integrated metro areas when it comes to tech. From world-class mobility tech engineering talent and…
Work In Progress.... Cronicle is expanding coverage of Michigan and the Great Lakes tech industries across the Great Lakes region in 202…
Kristin Judge, former Washtenaw County Commissioner, is now CEO of the nonprofit CyberCrime Support Network. Courtesy photo. Kristin Judge…
Age-old story at this point: "A lot of people don't realize how important supporting entrepreneurship is for the economy," Doug Huesdash…
Evan Adams is the Capital Programs Manager at Detroit's Build Institute, a Detroit-based incubator founded in 2012 that has already…
The world requires innovation—now more than ever. Science. Technology. Engineering. Math. Along the wild shores of Lake Superior…
Bank of Ann Arbor Technology Industry Group courtesy graphic. When new businesses start up, arranging financing can be fraught. When that…
Are you going to DevOps Days Detroit? This year, DevOps Days Detroit features speakers from tech towns across the U.S. from Silicon Valley…
Dave Haviland of Phimation Strategy Group and host of the new SPARK.Grow executive podcast out of Ann Arbor works with second-stage tech…
Nick Suino stands outside Three Chairs Co. on the west side of Ann Arbor. He grew up just blocks northwest of here, which in the Sixties was…
The financing panel at Leaders Connect. From left to right, Michael Cole, Kris Bergman, Evan Ufer, Mike Klein, and Skip Simms. It was a…
A Clinc meeting in progress we passed through on our tour of the Cahoots co-working space a few months ago shortly after Cronicle's launch…
Automation is revolutionizing the economy and our lives. On October 15th, in Columbus, Ohio, a dozen leaders of the automation revolution…
The Ann Arbor Voxel51 team, just picked as a top 5 AI company in the U.S. by TechCrunch to present at Disrupt 2019. Forgive me, Father, for…
Shoshana Owner and President Tom Voiles stands outside the company's headquarters that are located in a shed and farmhouse on the grounds of…
The founders of Finji Games laughing through an interview about their latest (courtesy photo). Finji's post was one of our most popular, and…
On the day we met him, local IT security tech consultant Tim Marsh was on the phone dealing with a data breach for Equifax. He's a…
Young protestors on Ingalls Mall in front of Rackham Auditorium on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor hold signs for the Global…
Into The Dataverse Hackathon Starting today, Friday September 20th at 4:00 pm and running through Sunday September 22 4:00 PM, the Into the…
Innovation Program Manager Diane Bouis of the University of Michigan Venture Accelerator stands in the Office of Tech Transfer, where every…
Senior Research Scientist Ben Steil and Senior Applications Scientist Tyanying Lan stand next to an Arbor Biosciences Illumina DNA sequencer…
eLab Venture Capital Managing Director Doug Neal poses in front of the A2 Startup Garage on Liberty, where he meets with colleagues from Ann…
The Censys Enterprise dashboard, where users can view cloud providers, certificates, hosts, and types of software their companies are…
Oshki Beach Cleanup Here Marquette Beach Muskegon, MI ©Adam Alexander Photography 2019 Don't know about you, but…
Jim Price is a serial entrepreneur who found his passion teaching and coaching young entrepreneurs through the Zell Lurie Institute at the…
Name: Girish Kulkarni Uniqname: girishsk Department: BME Photo: Joseph Xu, Michigan Engineering, Communications & Marketing www.engin.umich…
Matt and Stacey, both Ann Arbor Googlers, talk about company culture and how the tech giant handles rapid change with transparency. Nice to…
The IT in the D podcast team. Stop what you're doing and check out this huge list of Detroit-made podcasts. Included in that list: IT in the…
It's already time for the fall September tech events for Ann Arbor Detroit! This list is not exhaustive, but is a fairly good gathering of…
Mi-HQ founder Mark Smith pose with an employee of Swift Biosciences at the Mi-HQ headquarters west of Ann Arbor. We often hear about the…
It's not uncommon for people with a degree in music to end up in tech, not just for the jobs but because people with musical training often…
Angela Kujava heads up the Desai Accelerator run out of the Zell Lurie Institute at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. The…
The Voxel51 team, co-founder Jason Corso center. Co-founder and CTO Brian Moore fourth from left in rear. Ann Arbor's Voxel51, an AI startup…
Designer Eszter Boldog left and Peter Lauwers right in the Orangesplash offices behind the meeting rooms of Arbormoon Software downtown Ann…
It's been decades since we did a scavenger hunt, but these days augmented reality seems just the thing to make these old-fashioned games…
The Tangent Gallery in Detroit this weekend is hosting the Marvelous Detroit Art Emporium for a multimedia music and art show Saturday…
College campuses have been through a number of crises lately, from dealing with increasing academic pressure to a growing number of active…
There are a number of successful co-working locations in Ann Arbor, so what makes yet another one special? David Whitinger of Office…
Cannes 2019 begins at the Palais in Cannes, France. How does a young marketer bring best practices from one of the world's most elite…
Alfa Jango founder Steve Schwartz stands in the company catacomb-style conference room in front of a number of checks written to his…
Trigger Warning: The following post contains adult themes and subject matter that may be traumatic or upsetting to some readers. The…
September 25 at SPARK Central in Ann Arbor, Pitch Club Michigan will be hosting a pitch club from 5 to 8 pm. YOU CAN STILL REGISTER TO PITCH…
It's already creeping up on August and time for more tech meetups. We're adding more Detroit tech events this month as we begin to expand…
Thank you to our generous sponsors, who work with Cronicle Press to raise the visibility of the growing tech industries in Ann Arbor…
It's an improving but still perennial issue for the "flyover states": finding funding for your business. Different types of tech companies…
November 19th, 2019, at the State Savings Bank in Detroit, Invest Detroit will be holding their 10th annual Accelerate Michigan Innovation…
Ann Arbor-based supply chain software development consultancy Llamasoft yesterday announced an expansion that will bring another 70 jobs to…
Chris Karounos is the co-founder and creative director of Abaca Games, a new startup out of Ann Arbor that is based in his masters research…
Sometimes you hear a Michigan "we had to leave because of the economy story" and it makes you happy, because success lay elsewhere--and then…
You enter a classroom. Instead of desks, a virtual workplace is laid out in front of you, including assembly lines, and banks of screens…
In 2013, a group of University of Michigan students wanted to support each other's startup ventures. Some were tech focused, others social…
Helene Gidley and Tom Meloche of a2agile give us a tour of their space in Office Evolutions co-working space on Eisenhower. Each room is a…
The man who founded popular ForeSee Results survey software you've seen on websites from to U.S. government websites is back…